main line total fitness | haverford, PA




welcome to main line total fitness

We cater to those who can't do "gyms"


You exercise to reduce pain, not cause it.


Training based on science and monitored with proven technology

friendly atmosphere

Here everyone knows your name!

Getting healthy and fit can be scary

Especially if you have injuries or health concerns.

thinking you are just "too old" to improve your fitness and not knowing who to trust can lead to doing nothing

you risk becoming more frail

you risk having a lower quality of life

you risk getting worse and having even less mobility

how it works

schedule a discovery call

come in for your initial fitness assessment (IFA)

choose a program and get started!











frequently asked questions

Every body is different, so we will recommend the program that is best for you based on your Initial Fitness Assessment (IFA), personal goals, objectives and  budget.

The risk of that happening here is near zero.  The DO WHAT FITS System is unique because it helps get the body to where YOU want it by avoiding the NO PAIN, NO GAIN mantra from our youth.  Everyone here gets their OWN program so they know WHAT to DO, WHEN and HOW to DO IT.  They also get it taught to them by a trainer until they DO.  At Main LIne Total Fitness, all YOU have to DO is literally show up! 

And we still offer a 100% SATISFACTION  GUARANTEED for up to 60 days.  You can't lose!

What you DO here, WORKS!  Our clients get fitter, faster. Our Programs are hyper-personalized to a person's strengths, as well as, their "inhibitors".  One Program has a 100% Effective Rate with every man & woman achieving their result. This is because of our proprietary DO WHAT FITS fitness model AND the specialized equipment which makes YOUR fitness pain-free and even enjoyable.  That makes YOU more consistent with YOUR efforts. 


We are so confident you'll be happy with our approach and EVERYTHING about us that we'll give you your money back for up to 60 days after starting if you’re not.  We've been doing that since September 2020 and every person gets asked if they want their money back since then...NOT ONE PERSON HAS!

No strings.  No hassles. No Fine print. Want to find out more?  Schedule YOUR own IFA and you will!

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contact us


  510 W. Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041

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