Here Are Our Basic Packages

*Every Plan may be customized and tailored to each clients' needs

Cardiovascular Enhancement Program

For Helping Heart Conditions
•Two(2) Sessions per week with a Training Specialist
•Nutritional Coaching for heart health improvement
•Ability to Graduate to other programs and packages upon completion of objectives
•100% Success Rate

Bridgeway Program

A Bridge Between You and Fitness
•Up to three(3) Sessions per week with a Training Specialist
•Nutritional Coaching AND Nutritional Supplements (Nutritionals) included
•Ability to Earn F.I.T. Rewards and IM2 Fit designation, reducing investment as you get healthier
•100% Success Rate

Osteoporosis Mitigation Program

Increase Strength, Mobility, and Bone Density
•Two(2) Session per week with a Training Specialist
•Bone Density measured during IFA and regularly thereafter
•Nutrition Coaching to improve muscle mass
•Ability to Graduate to other plans and programs upon completion of objectives
•100% Success Rate

fill out the information below. we have multiple pricing options and packages, help us find the best one for you.

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  510 W. Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041